Bedbugs are a scourge. So it’s extremely useful to know exactly what they are, where they proliferate, how to avoid them and how to get rid of them.
What are bedbugs?
Bedbugs are parasitic insects that live away from light, in dark spaces. Most bedbugs live in bedrooms and living rooms with sofas. They do not like high or low temperatures and have developed resistance to almost all insecticides on the market. Their bites often leave three to four red dots in a row and are similar to mosquito bites.
The are most often found in:
- Mattresses and bed bases;
- Under furniture, skirting boards and electrical sockets;
- In cracks and crevices in parquet flooring;
- In sofas and under carpets.
Tips for protecting your chalet from bedbugs
Bedbugs spread through luggage and clothing, and their bites can be very annoying.
Homeowners will be welcoming many holidaymakers over the coming months, and it would be a shame if bedbugs were to disrupt their stay. Here are a few tips you can follow to prevent the proliferation of these insects:
- Avoid clutter to reduce the number of places where bedbugs can hide;
- Protect mattresses with anti-bed bug covers;
- Make sure bed linen is washed at 60° minimum, then store it in an airtight bag;
- Vacuum the entire chalet carefully when cleaning, paying particular attention to the corners and edges of rooms, and dispose of the vacuum bag in an outside bin;
- Ask the cleaning teams to check the bedding on each visit: the mattress, zips, seams, upholstery, behind and around the headboard, etc;
- If in doubt, use double-sided tape on the bed base to detect them.
Professional pest control is a lengthy and expensive process (it takes an average of three visits at 10/15 day intervals), so it is important to follow these precautions and act quickly in the event of an infestation.

What should you do if you suspect an infestation?
These pests are particularly difficult to eliminate, and require the services of pest control experts
- Get in touch with your account manager and property manager as soon as possible;
- Use companies that specialise in detection (particularly those using dogs) and ask for guarantees (training, training certificate and treatment of the infestation);
- Ask the professional to explain his treatment protocol and check that he complies with it, particularly the mechanical control stage. For insecticide treatment, ensure that the professional holds a valid certibiocide certificate issued by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition;
- Work with your account manager to propose a solution to the tenants in the chalet;
- Discuss with the account manager how to deal with future holidaymakers;
- Remain vigilant for a period of one to two months after the intervention to ensure that the bedbugs have been completely eliminated. If necessary, arrange follow-up visits with the professional.
In order to assess the situation and estimate the cost, the professional will need some information, such as:
- the date of infestation ;
- stings, redness, itching ;
- Any external phenomena that may have caused the infestation;
- one or more high-resolution photos (macro).
Directory of specialists
These specialists are CS3D-certified and have undergone specific bedbug training on best practices for treating these pests.
Haute Savoie
- ABC Désinfection – Kevin – La Roche-sur-Foron ;
- Avipur – Cyril Bassi : – Argonay ;
- Julien destruction nuisible – – Faverges ;
- Nuisiclean – Valentin – St Gervais.
Guêpeandco – Michael
Morillon Samoens
Lugrin nuisibles – Justin – Lugrin.
More information
Website for the foundation against bedbugs: Bedbug Foundation
Now you know how to protect your chalet and what to do in the event of a bedbug infestation.
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