Hike / Trail / Megeve / Evasion Mont Blanc

7 Spring hikes around Megève

As winter loosens its grip, Megève emerges from its chilly slumber, offering a fresh perspective for outdoor enthusiasts. In this post, we’ll guide you through a curated selection of trails that capture the essence of the season.

From leisurely strolls along flower-lined paths to more challenging routes revealing panoramic mountain vistas, these hikes showcase the natural beauty that blossoms around this idyllic alpine location during the spring months. Plus, the Evasion Mont Blanc region is home to some great gentle hikes which are ideal for families of novice hikers. So lace up your hiking boots and join us as we navigate through the rejuvenating landscapes of Megève!

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The top spring hikes around Megève

Two women look out into the mountains
© Commune de Megève

1. Boucle de la Croix du Bouchet

Distance: 4.4km
Duration: 1h 30m
Elevation gain: 103m

Embark on an easy hiking loop starting from the village of Megève. Begin by taking the road from Rochebrune to the Croix du Bouchet. After reaching the Croix du Bouchet, make a U-turn, then turn left to connect to the road on the Meu. For an alternative option, there’s the possibility of reaching the Croix du Bouchet by the free Meg-bus.

As you continue, navigate through the fork and stay left on the Crêt du Midi road, ultimately leading you back to the town centre. This trail offers a mix of hard surfaces like tar, cement, and flooring, making it suitable for city strollers. This route promises scenic beauty and a rewarding hiking experience no matter the season but is particularly beautiful as the snow thaws and spring blooms.

Megève in spring with yellow flowers in foreground and church in the background
© Commune de Megève

2. Forest discovery trail

Distance: 2.3km
Duration: 2h
Elevation gain: 160m

Head out on this journey into the heart of nature with the Jaillet forest discovery trail, offering an initiation and exploration of the Jaillet massif. Nestled between 1450m and 1600m in altitude, this trail presents two distinct routes, each providing a unique perspective on the forest ecosystem and its thoughtful management. The hike is accessible through the path on the left at the arrival of the Jaillet gondola. Alternatively, opt for the shorter tour covering 900m with a gentle 25m elevation change, allowing for a delightful exploration in just 3/4 of an hour.

As you traverse these routes, encounter informative botanical panels strategically placed along the way, unveiling the diverse local forest species. This immersive experience invites you to observe, learn, and appreciate the intricacies of the woodland environment. Whether you choose the grand tour for a more extensive exploration or the short tour for a quick yet insightful adventure, the Jaillet forest discovery trail promises an enriching encounter with the natural wonders of the Jaillet massif throughout autumn, summer, and spring.

3. Le Mont d’Arbois – Mont Joux

Distance: 11.7km
Duration: 3h 45m
Elevation gain: 673m

Start this challenging hike from the Mont d’Arbois gondola, immersing yourself in the natural wonders of Megève. As you venture on foot, follow the road towards the picturesque village of Planellet, guided by the distinctive “Mont d’Arbois” signs that mark the Tour du Mont Blanc variant in yellow and red.

From the top station of the gondola, traverse the path along the charming restaurant “Idéal 1850,” and follow the line of ridges, passing by the Bettex gondola lift en route to the majestic Mont Joux. The vantage point at Mont Joux, situated at an elevation of 1958m, offers an exceptional panorama of the Mont Blanc massif, the Aravis mountains, Val d’Arly, and the Arve Valley.

Descend from Mont Joux towards the quaint chalets of Joux and the serene Lac de Joux. Follow the path directing you towards Megève, leading you into the enchanting forest to reach the Alpages de Tornay Haut at 1620m. Continue along the trail, weaving through the landscape until you reach the charming Hameau du Planellet.

Conclude your scenic journey with a leisurely walk from the hamlet to the Mont d’Arbois gondola via the Edmond de Rothschild road, completing the loop that encapsulates the beauty of Megève’s spring landscapes. This route not only promises the visual delight of alpine flowers, including gentians, primroses, and buttercups, but also invites you to absorb the awe-inspiring views of the golf course and the iconic Mont Blanc massif. To enhance your experience, take a moment at the orientation table at Mont Joux, allowing you to appreciate and navigate the surrounding beauty.

4. Le Lac de Javen

Distance: 4.4km
Duration: 1h 30m
Elevation gain: 307m

If you’re looking for a family-friendly walk, head out on this walk around Lake Javen, a tranquil spot with catering, children’s games, and a fishing site. Enjoy the stunning backdrop of the Aravis and Aiguilles de Varans massifs and the delicate silhouette of the Aiguilles Croches.

To reach Lake Javen, park at La Rée or the Hameau du Tour and walk for 20 or 30 minutes, respectively. Alternatively, take the Meg’bus from the bus station to the “l’angne” stop, then follow the Chemin de la Rée to the lake.

Start your journey at Megève Tourisme, following signs for the Haut Val d’Arly Museum. Pass through the Perchets road, turn right towards Chemin de Lady, and follow signs for Le Tour and Lac de Javen. Pass the Caboche gondola and continue on the Route du Tour to the Tour ski lift. Take the path through the undergrowth, passing Le Babotch restaurant and La Petite Fontaine, to reach Lake Javen in about 30 minutes.

For the return, choose between the same route, a variation via the Chemin de Fanou, or a vehicle-friendly road to the Rée bridge, connecting to the hamlet of Le Tour. Another option is to take the Meg’bus from the Maz chapel to the “Angne” stop, following the Edmond de Rothschild road downhill. This versatile loop is ideal for autumn, summer, and spring exploration, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty and family-friendly amenities.

Le Lac de Javen
Le Lac de Javen – Image by Les Elby

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5. Combafort – Plein Rocher

Distance: 7.5km
Duration: 3h 20m
Elevation gain: 480m

Enjoy this captivating hike through the scenic landscapes surrounding Megève, where natural wonders and panoramic views await. Begin your journey from the Combafort car park, where the adventure unfolds step by step. At the intersection of the “Vers le Nant” road, turn left, and at the subsequent intersection, head right in the direction of Les Choseaux. Traverse the charming Choseaux hamlet, turning left at the crossroads before the Baroque chapel, and follow the path towards Darbelets.

From “Les Darbelets,” set your sights towards Mont d’Arbois/Bettex, ascending through mountain pastures and lush forests. The trail offers glimpses of badger and marmot burrows, creating an opportunity to observe the local wildlife. As you approach the gondola, turn left towards Encraty, descending to the middle station of the Princess Gondola, where a restaurant awaits for a well-deserved break.

Continue your descent along the Encraty road, and after navigating a hairpin bend, seize a path on the right that guides you back to Combafort and the car park. Along the way, relish the panoramic views of the Aravis ranges, the Arve Valley, Megève, and Val d’Arly. This loop, suitable for exploration during autumn, summer, and spring, promises not only a physical journey through diverse terrains but also a visual feast of natural beauty and wildlife encounters. Keep your eyes peeled for the hidden treasures of Megève’s captivating landscapes.

6. Le Planay

Distance: 5.2km
Duration: 2h
Elevation gain: 229m

Explore this captivating hiking trail which reveals a breathtaking panorama of the Mont Joly range and the iconic Croches needles. The journey commences at the Nordic chalet in La Livraz, where a 300m ascent and a traverse across the main road mark the trail’s initiation. Progressing further, the path leads to the forest’s edge, immersing you in the serene beauty of the surroundings.

Navigating through a pine undergrowth, the trail seamlessly connects to the quaint hamlet of Planay after crossing a charming bridge over a torrent. From Planay, follow the road to the left along the hillside, guiding you to the picturesque hamlet of Planellet. Here, a stunning view of the slopes of Rochebrune and Cote 2000 awaits, adding to the allure of the journey.

Upon completing this loop, the option to return presents itself either by retracing your steps or taking advantage of the shuttle service from the “Le Planellet” stop to the village (available in-season). For added convenience, consider reaching La Livraz via the free Meg-bus, which provides easy access to the trailhead. This groomed route promises a delightful experience throughout spring, allowing you to immerse yourself in the natural splendour of Megève while savouring magnificent vistas of the Mont Joly range and the Croches needles.

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7. Path on the Rochebrune ridges

Distance: 7.9km
Duration: 4h
Elevation gain: 578m

Embark on this challenging loop at the heights of Megève, where a 360° panoramic view awaits, stretching from Mont-Blanc to Les Fiz up to the Aravis range. This scenic journey seamlessly blends through the contrasting landscapes of forests and open tracks, offering not only breathtaking views but also educational insights into nature.

Starting from the Le Leutaz car park, follow the direction Sur les prés and Pont de Rego at the bottom of the valley, maintaining a straight path. Traverse two mountain pastures, and as the climb in the forest unfolds, you’ll be rewarded with a stunning view of the Sangle around the Aiguille Croche (2487m), reaching the picturesque Sur les prés.

Continue the adventure by following the forest track towards Rochebrune on your left, crossing the top of the Megève ski resort. At the Chalet de l’Alpette, veer right on the track, gently descending towards Rochebrune. Complete the hike by following the route through Leutaz and then Fontanettes, descending into the enchanting forest.

Opting for a loop in this direction (les Chambrettes, Sur les prés, then resdente via les Fontanettes) provides a gentler and less steep descent.

Do note it’s essential to be mindful of the impact of dogs in natural areas to avoid any impact on wildlife and herds. During major breeding periods between April and June, dogs, if authorised, should be kept on a leash in natural areas.

The hikes around Megève are particularly beautiful in spring, whether you’re travelling alone or in a group, as a couple or a family, from the most sedate to those who love a challenge.

However, even if you’re heading off on an adventure, don’t forget to be properly prepared when it comes to mountain safety. Before you set off, make sure you tell someone your route and find out the local emergency numbers. Your outing will be all the more enjoyable for it!

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